I know that I have been harping a lot on “affordability” recently but it comes after a lot of retrospection this summer after spending time with my ailing father and discovering some of my audio purchases from the 1990s boxed up in their garage in Florida.
It was also inspired by our recent coverage of CEDIA 2023 where finding affordable products was slightly challenging; our friends at Theory Audio Design came the closest at a show focused on the CI category.
I can hear the white haired audiophiles suffering from gear fetishism shrieking in the lake.
Boring. Yawn. I get it.
But then I watched a video from Cheapaudioman the other night at 3 a.m. and realized that there is a growing movement within the community that understands that high-end audio can’t grow without a serious conversation about affordability and teaching people how to properly build a system within a budget that doesn’t involve selling a kidney.
I’ve been there. On the other side. During 7 years of insanity in my mid-30s, I spent more than $70,000 on high-end audio/video equipment.
How much of it do I own today?
I feel pretty stupid about it to be quite frank. I had multiple pairs of perfectly fine MartinLogan loudspeakers that I am on some fanatical quest to reclaim and start from scratch with again.
Do you want to know why?
Because there was nothing wrong with them.
None of us hate really expensive high-end products. Some of them really push the performance envelope and that’s a good thing if the technology eventually trickles down into products that are more affordable.
But is that really happening on the loudspeaker side?
I see it on the digital front with better quality DACs getting more affordable; Schiit Audio, Denafrips, Helm Audio, and many others should take a bow.
People getting into high-end audio for the first time do have a lot of quality affordable loudspeakers to select from in 2023, but once you get out of that category, the prices escalate rather quickly.
How many people jump from $500 speakers to $2,000 or $5,000 speakers?
The more I think about it — the more I understand the interest in used high-end and vintage components, but the flip side to all of that is that demand is pushing prices a lot higher.
I desperately want a pair of MartinLogan Aerius i (oak finish) in great condition; but I’m not going to pay a stupid price for them because I will need to replace the panels almost immediately because they were designed to only last 15 years.
What about Vandersteen? I wrote about the Vandersteen 1Ci speakers in my recent Audiophile System Builder column and the feedback from a number of readers was that it was about time that someone in the audio press covered these speakers which are still in production.
The Vandersteen 1Ci speakers are not old enough to qualify as vintage audio (give them another 12 years and they will) but these American-made floorstanders are almost 8 years old at this point and still very much in production. The Vandersteen 1C were available back in 1996 so the earliest versions of the speaker are almost as old as the generation who probably need to listen to them the most.
The Vandersteen 2 (and all of its variants) loudspeakers have been in production since 1977 with more than 100,000 pairs sold; a remarkable number that very few high-end brands could ever hit with even their entire lineup.
The Vandersteen customer is a loyal one; most started with the Vandersteen 2 or Vandersteen 1 and have moved up the food chain over the years at great expense. The top Vandersteen loudspeakers now retail for almost $65,000.
What makes the Vandersteen 1Ci so compelling is that you can find it used rather easily if you are prepared to look and you are unlikely to spend more than $900 for them even if they are in excellent condition. A brand new pair costs almost $1,700 so consider that 48% discount to be a huge bargain.
Richard Vandersteen did some creative things with his original designs and that thought process has continued with the 1Ci that still don’t have a loudspeaker cabinet; a huge cost savings for both the manufacturer and customer.
Since its inception, Vandersteen has always focused on putting better quality woofers and tweeters and crossover components into its designs and less on the cabinet
Richard Vandersteen has always taken a performance-first approach with the Model 1Ci focusing on the internals, with a first-order crossover, minimum front baffle, and time-aligned design.

The Model 1Ci is a time- and phase-correct speaker constructed in such a way that the alignment and positioning of the drivers allow a point-source wave front and maximize the phase coherence of the loudspeaker at the listening position.
The listening position and loudspeaker setup are critical with every Vandersteen design but the Model 1Ci benefits from very careful set-up; more than most speakers I’ve tried over the years regardless of cost.
Nuts & Bolts
The active components used in the Model 1Ci combine classic strength and durability with innovative design and construction. The 8-inch woofer uses the same type of cast-metal basket used in costly esoteric loudspeakers. The cast-metal basket’s inherent rigidity and superior vibration resistance increase cone movement accuracy and reduce sympathetic resonances for cleaner and more natural sound.
The 1-inch metal alloy dome tweeter is a dual chamber design to improve range and linearity. It is critically damped to extend the high frequencies past audibility without the excessive ringing associated with open or underdamped metal dome tweeters.
The specific alloy used for the dome was chosen for its superior strength and resistance to break-up compared to common fabric and plastic domes. The quality materials and advanced features of the Model 1Ci’s tweeter result in smooth and accurate response throughout the audible range.
The 1Ci no longer uses traditional banana posts but screw-down terminals instead which are directly wired to the crossover.
The Vandersteen 1Ci are a chunky 44 pounds and 36″H x 12″W x 10″D; making them a rather hefty 2-way floorstanding loudspeaker on custom stands manufactured by Sound Anchors.
So why are we so impressed by these speakers that have dozens of competitors below $2,000 new?
The 1Ci are 90 dB and a relatively benign 6.8 ohm load making them a very easy loudspeaker to drive. Tubes and solid state work great with these speakers.
Can you drive them with 35-50 watts of power? In a smaller room, you won’t need any more power than that and the focus should be more on the quality of those watts versus looking for a blowtorch to open these loudspeakers up. A slightly larger room can work but 50-100 watts might be a better scenario.
There are some excellent vintage amplifiers that will work with these speakers but I would focus on those that can output a minimum of 35-50 watts if you lean in that direction.
The Vandersteen 1Ci can sound dreadful if you get the setup wrong. I’ve heard them go from simple average to great with 20 minutes of proper setup.
The setup requires very careful attention to the distance from both the side and front walls; make sure they are never the same dimensions. The key with these speakers is getting the time-alignment right and that requires some math and experimentation with the rake. You will find very clear instructions inside the manual and my advice is to follow them because they work.
Sound Quality
More than most speakers in the category, the Vandersteen 1Ci have a unwavering sense of balance. No part of its tonal balance is tilted either way and it’s definitely more neutral than warm sounding.
The absence of a cabinet also increases the transparency and soundstage depth and width.
With proper setup and the right amplifier, the 1Ci can sound quite large and recreate a huge stereo image. Get the rake of the loudspeaker wrong and the midrange can sound slightly closed-in and the treble slightly harder; a warmer sounding amplifier helps tame the tweeter with rock and EDM.
You can certainly crank the 1Ci but I think that’s a mistake; moderate to conversation levels work better and allow you to discern more detail and hear more of the amplifier and the rest of your components.
Vandersteen makes better sounding speakers but the price grows rather exponentially as you move up the ladder and you can pay over $2,000 for a used pair of Model 2Ce Signature speakers.
Vandersteen just announced a replacement for the 1Ci called the 1Ci+ which offers some internal changes. The best part about that announcement is that prices for used 1Ci loudspeakers in solid condition are dropping.
For more information: vandersteen.com/products/model-1ci

Steven O'Farrell
September 30, 2021 at 4:21 pm
I appreciate the fact that you listen to your readers feedback.The audio press loves to cover the the outlandishly priced gear that most people will never own in their lifetimes. This obsession with mega priced audio appeals to some audiophiles, but does nothing to to bring less informed, budget minded music lovers into this pleasurable pastime, which is sad. It only creates the perception that “a genuine taste of the high end” is unattainable, too expensive and out of the question. The consumer is also at fault, so many of whom go out and spend a small fortune on their devices, their junk lifestyle and last but not least, the infamous Home Theatre in a Box that they inevitably set up wrong, not that it makes much of a difference. These are the same people who are shocked if I tell them I spent $4500 on an amp, speakers and some decent cables. Articles like this, and your timely and terrific Audiophile System Builder column are exactly what is needed to convince people that great audio is attainable, affordable and a much better value than squandering a ton of money on junk. For half of what I spent, there are speakers and amps out there that would blow peoples minds! Of all the things I own, my audio system components represent the best build quality, the best dependability, and the best bang for the buck, pleasure returned for money spent. It’s a buy it, forget it and enjoy it proposition. Barely any maintenance required. We live in the Golden Age of affordable, great sounding audio and most of the population is totally oblivious. Your articles bring attention to this blatant disconnect, and I look forward to reading more articles like these. Great sound is not just for the privileged few, and you are really helping to bring awareness to that irrefutable fact!
Ian White
September 30, 2021 at 8:25 pm
Greatly appreciate your letter and very kind words. Possibly my favorite letter of the year.
I plan on writing 1-2 TASB articles every week going forward.
I suppose I had this moment of pushback a few years ago when I started listening to more equipment below $1,000 and more used high-end products. I realized just how great of a system you could create now under $10,000, $5,000, $2,500, and even $1,000.
I have set a $10,000 limit for our system coverage on the site and don’t plan on deviating.
Ian White
Steven O'Farrell
October 1, 2021 at 4:00 am
You’re welcome, Ian. It’s easy to express gratitude after reading articles of such high quality as yours. I’ve been reading your articles for a few weeks now and they are all a pleasure, not just the ones about equipment I own. I’m a fan, and I’m already looking forward to any upcoming thoughts you have about the world of audio, or any of your other interests in general. For me, the gear is a conduit for the emotional impact and beauty of the music to flow through. Carefully chosen pieces of the system can create a whole greater than the sum of its parts, and that’s where the magic begins, audio wise. They don’t call it a system for nothing! I really enjoy your TASB articles, as well as individual items and may, if you don’t mind, suggest some specific products for you to consider at some point. Not many, but “sleepers” that for some odd reason haven’t gotten their just due, if you will. Greatness can be achieved at all the price points you suggest, and it’s the affordable great stuff that gets me excited. Things that I can possibly own are what interests me. I’m glad you had that pushback moment; we are all the better for it!
Ian White
October 1, 2021 at 9:57 pm
Would love to hear some suggestions.
October 14, 2021 at 1:47 am
Hi Ian,
Fantastic site,like your approach with the system builder! For years wondered why nobody would do this. I understand that there are tons of frustrated audio/music fans that go through a pile of cash to find the right synergy, some never do, manufacturers and reviewers know this and of course play the game together.
I found happiness back in 1991 with Vandersteen’s 2ce’s, a Music Reference RM-5 Mark III tube preamplifier. Later I added a Odyssey Stratos amplifier when the B&K died, Musical Fidelity V90 Dac. Mapleshade Audio has good isolation products and wire that is amazing and affordable. Listening to Deodato 2 right now as I write this. I see you are also a fan of Freddie Hubbard! WDNA.org in Miami plays great jazz! DJ Michael Valentine is very good,others too!
Try Odyssey amps and you will be pleasantly surprised by the sound, they are bulletproof, mine is 22 years old and going strong, made in the USA with a 20 year warranty and good value. There is something very right with the tone, imaging and balance of Vandersteen speakers. The 1C beats a lot of the johnny come lately bookshelf speakers out there and there’s no need for stands. The music sounds like music! I continue to invest in tweaking my dedicated room (the room makes the system, not the other way around) and expanding my music collection. I also like Schitt Audio, value and excellent sound made in the USA, Jason Stoddard is a great guy.
Would you please consider letting us know where review products are made?
First audio site that makes me hungry, pastrami on rye bread for me, your suggestions look mighty and yummy. Love the vintage section too. My first system bought new in 1976: JBL L-100, Kenwood 8300 integrated and tuner, Philips GA-212 turntable. Except for the turntable, it all works and my son has it. Something about made in USA and Japan when it comes to audio, is called (Quality!). Congratulations and best wishes!
Ian White
October 14, 2021 at 10:46 am
Appreciate the kind words. I have 3-4 new system builder articles coming this month.
I will certainly let readers know where components are made.