They say “out with the old, in with the new.” But this expression seems to have been taken a step too far as Bowers and Wilkins incredible-sounding 700 series S2 loudspeakers are available now for 40% below list. The “S3” version of the speaker was unveiled just three months ago, and this means dealers need to clear out the previous “S2” series to make room. The S2 series was only released in 2017, so in this case “old” actually isn’t very old at all.
Check the below link for an Amazon search to see what’s currently available:
> Bowers and Wilkins 700 Series S2 on Amazon (search results)

I’ve heard these speakers and they sound fantastic: precise imaging, excellent extension, superb dynamics and about the most realistic reproduction of human voice that I’ve ever heard. It’s rare that a floor-standing tower speaker can “disappear” like a good 2-way bookshelf, but the B&W towers do just that, revealing the recorded performance in all its beauty.
Check these out at Amazon to find out more or buy now:
- Bowers and Wilkins 702 S2 tower speaker: $1799/each (was $2999)
- Bowers and Wilkins 703 S2 tower speaker: $1499/each (was $2499)
- Bowers and Wilkins 704 S2 tower speaker: $999/each (was $1749)
- Bowers and Wilkins 705 S2 bookshelf/stand-mount speaker: $1,958/pair (was $3299)
- Bowers and Wilkins 707 S2 Bookshelf/Stand-mount Speaker: $959/pair (was $1599)

My favorite in the lineup is the flagship 702 S2 floor-standing tower. And not just for its elegant tweeter-on-top design. Listening to a wide array of material, these speakers really just seem to disappear. Bass extension is deep and solid, vocals and instruments float in space, disembodied from the speakers. The 702s recreate original performances with a virtually holographic sound stage. On Scout Niblett’s track “Gun,” the snare drum, which is very prominent in the mix, sounds like a real snare drum – with proper attack and decay. This is something that very few speakers get right, regardless of price.
On everything from classic jazz to rock to electronica, the 702 S2 turns in a supremely musical performance, one that should satisfy both audiophiles and music lovers (and those like me, who are both). This signature Bowers and Wilkins sound carries through down the S2 line.
The clearance price applies to Bowers & Wilkins’ home theater speakers too. So now is probably a very good time to upgrade your home theater system. The same 40% deal applies to the B&W Center Channel S2 speakers. Here’s the link:
Bowers and Wilkins HTM72 S2 Center Channel Speaker: $699 (was $1199)
The Bowers and Wilkins S2 series is available in gloss black, satin white and rosenut finishes to match virtually any décor.
This deal is limited to stock on hand only, so as they say, “act now while supplies last.” Here’s a search link for Amazon so you can check out what’s still available:
Bowers and Wilkins S2 Series on
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Glenn Godoy
December 16, 2022 at 10:47 pm
How can I purchase?
Ian White
December 17, 2022 at 12:55 am
Just use one of the Amazon links in the article.
Ian White