After more than 2 years of relative silence, high-end audio shows are back and we are thrilled to see both manufacturers and attendees getting back to normal on that front.
The Audio Expo North America, or AXPONA, just concluded on April 24, 2022 in Schaumburg, IL, at the Renaissance Hotel and Convention Center after a two-year pandemic related hiatus.
We caught up with Jiles McCoy, owner who was in attendance to get his thoughts on the event. With over 100 rooms to see, Jiles nearly got to all of them over his 3-day trip, as he explained in a slideshow during our livestream interview.
This year’s AXPONA showcased many of the mainstays of years past. Wilson Audio, Magico, McIntosh, NAIM Focal, just to name a few. Most of the products on display were rather expensive, and some audio systems may have exceeded half a million dollars.
Klipsch showed off their newest and largest loudspeaker called the Jubilee (pictured above), and Bower & Wilkins’ flagship Diamond D4 loudspeakers earned high praise from attendees. Choose either for a mere $35,000/pr.
Surprisingly, Jiles noted only two home theater demonstrations — one on the affordable side from SVS and the other from Focal’s premium Chora line. Sadly, spatial audio was yet again missing in action.
The good news is high-end audio trade shows are back to pre-pandemic levels, and the next event to look forward to is The Home Entertainment Show (T.H.E. Show) in Long Beach, CA June 10-12.
Watch the complete interview on YouTube.