Comments on: Why Active Noise Cancellation Still Sucks… everything hi-fi Mon, 24 Jul 2023 18:22:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: ORT Tue, 27 Jun 2023 15:05:07 +0000 As it must be connected to a substantial power source perhaps it could best built in to a desktop DAC/AMP setup. This would do away with power concerns as well as give a boost to the sale of traditional (read: Non-BlooToof) ‘phones.

I have no problem being tethered to quality and the added benefit of a very powerful and more adaptive ANC looks to be a winning combination.

So many people have become used to having wireless headpones with excellent run times from their onboard battery. Cell phones do not last nearly as long as ‘phones do and attaching a “DC Lamprey” to them is not going to sit well with even the nerdiest among them.

Many traditional headphone enthusiasts scorn the use of ANC for “serious listening” but once they experience it via hardwired ‘phones being fed from DAC/AMP w/ANC that attitude could change.

And it is fact that anyone or anything can change. What is needed is change for the better.

