Organizing my mother’s garage last month in Florida came with an unexpected surprise; my beloved pair of Spendor SP2/3s that had been my primary pair of loudspeakers between 1998 and 2006. The walnut cabinet showed the signs of some clumsy moves over the years; I donated the loudspeakers to my parents to enjoy in their New Hampshire farmhouse and they must have lost the original packaging before they retired to their new home in Palm Beach County.
I inherited my first pair of loudspeakers in 1983; a set of Celestion Ditton 33 MKIIs that were graciously passed down to me as a Bar Mitzvah gift in Toronto and something that I enjoyed until the end of college in 1993.
I did buy a set of MartinLogan Sequel II’s in 1989 but they were far too large to enjoy in a dorm room and they remained in my system until almost 1998 when I went on a loudspeaker buying spree adding NHT Super Zeroes, MartinLogan Aerius and Aerius I, Meadowlark Audio Kestrels and HotRod Shearwaters.
Over the past 40 years, I’ve owned at least 25 pairs of loudspeakers; not all of them were smart purchases — some were the wrong type of loudspeaker based on marriage, children, and living accommodations.

I don’t miss all of them, but products like the Spendor SP2/3, Meadowlark Audio HotRod Shearwaters, MartinLogan reQuests — were irreplaceable.
Dusting off the SP2/3s in the garage made me somewhat nostalgic, but also start to wonder about other loudspeakers that influenced me significantly over the years.
We all prefer different things and that includes the types of electronics required to make them sing.
Which loudspeakers have been significant in your music listening experience?
My list will hopefully ignite a healthy conversation about products that moved the needle for you.

Altec Lansing Voice of the Theater
This large, horn-loaded speaker was introduced in 1945 and was widely used in theaters and concert halls. I remember the first time I saw a pair in an old movie theater in Toronto that was being converted into a film editing facility and how they broke every rule when it comes to domestic tranquility.
Over the years, I’ve been fortunate enough to listen to multiple restored pairs of VOTT A7s and A5s with a wide range of tube amplifiers and vintage solid state receivers and wondered how these could possibly work in my own home.

Magnepan Tympani I
A planar magnetic loudspeaker that was introduced in 1971 became popular for its clarity, accuracy, and spacious soundstage. The Tympani I belonged to my uncle who was a computer engineer and future convict and one of my first experiences with a pair of audiophile loudspeakers growing up.
Our living room had multiple sets of Chinese folding screens in the 1970s that were actually from China and likely to crush one if they toppled over. The Tympani I had a similar look with the exception of being beige and without any from of decoration.
My uncle was a DIY guy who built his own computers and amplifiers and we always wondered when he was going to burn the house down and kill everyone.
What struck me about the Magnepan Tympani I was just how clear it sounded and how the loudspeakers in our Zenith Console always distorted when you pushed the volume too high and the absolute lack of presence.
After listening to a pair of Magnepan MG3.3s in the late 1980s driven by Mark Levinson and Proceed electronics, I became somewhat despondent that I had just spent all of my summer work money on a pair of MartinLogan Sequel IIs.
A pair of Magnepan LRS have been the heart of my den system for almost 2 years and I can’t imagine not owning them — the level of sound quality for $650 USD is remarkable.

Quad ESL
Peter Walker’s iconic loudspeaker was introduced in 1957 and whilst not inexpensive to restore or upgrade in 2023, a remarkable engineering achievement that changed domestic high-end audio forever.
The Quad ESLs were not the first electrostatic loudspeakers but they certainly paved the way for everything that came after; MartinLogan, Quad, Innersound, and SoundLab certainly took the technology and ran with it for the past 4 decades.
There are a lot of opinions about which amplifiers work best with the original Quad ESLs; the late-Glenn Croft of Croft Acoustics told me many years ago that he used the ESLs when developing his amplifiers and that he still used a set for his own music listening.
The first opportunity I had to listen to both the original ESLs and the Quad 63s was in the 1980s at the home of a Toronto Audiophile Society member and whilst I loved the forward and clean delivery of both loudspeakers overall, I left with the impression that they were loudspeakers for a different type of listener who did not enjoy Rush, Led Zeppelin, or Sir John Williams at rather high listening levels.
Over the years, having had the opportunity to enjoy jazz, chamber music, and a lot of vocal material on a pair of restored ESLs that belong to an industry colleague who listens at moderate levels — I have learned to appreciate just how innovative these loudspeakers were. When you get these setup properly and the amplifier can drive these properly — the experience can be humbling.

MartinLogan CLS
Gayle Sanders and I discussed the history and evolution of the earliest MartinLogan Electrostatic Loudspeakers during our recent podcast and for those who want to know the truth about how the iconic brand emerged from the shadows in the 1980s, it is a very worthwhile listen.
The CLS were not the first successful product to emerge from the factory in Lawrence, Kansas, — but they changed things for the company in a significant way. Gayle Sanders knew that they would be a hard sell because the rest of the system had to be up to the task and whilst there were plenty of high-end dealers like Andrew Singer (Sound by Singer, NYC) who sold them to affluent NY/NJ/CT audiophiles with matching Krell or Aragon systems, the CLS were not the easiest to setup and a very demanding load.
Blue Circle Audio’s Gilbert Yeung lived two hours west of me and used the original MartinLogan CLS and CLS IIz Loudspeakers with all of his amplifiers as a benchmark. If they couldn’t drive the loudspeakers to his satisfaction — back to his bench they went.
Gilbert and I would pickup pizza and listen for hours to dozens of records and CDs and marvel at the transparency, detail, and overall experience. The bottom end was missing but when the system was properly setup — music just moved you in a very cerebral way.
Apogee Acoustics Stage
Apogee Acoustics was a high-end loudspeaker manufacturer that was founded in the 1980s and went out of business in the early 2000s. One of their most innovative products was the Apogee Stage, a smaller planar magnetic loudspeaker that was highly regarded for its sound quality and unique design.
Overall, the Apogee Stage was a unique and highly regarded loudspeaker that was well-suited for audiophiles who valued accurate, detailed sound and were willing to invest in a high-end system. While Apogee Acoustics is no longer in business, used examples of the Stage can still be found on the market and are highly sought after by audio enthusiasts.
Having listened to the larger Apogee Caliper and Duetta models, I had very high hopes for the Stage when I first tried them at a Toronto Hi-Fi store but the experience left me somewhat confused.
The store owner explained that they only worked well with Krell or Classe Audio amplification and that if one couldn’t afford to invest a lot of time in the setup and room — it was better to look elsewhere.
The listening room was on the smaller side and the dealer had set them up 4 feet from the wall behind them and pointed straight ahead. Apogee had already introduced the Grand and Mini-Grand models and the dealer had raised the Stage off the floor using the bass cabinets of the Mini-Grand.
The Stage was a two-way dipole speaker system with a 12″ by 26″, electromagnetic film-diaphragm woofer and a 0.7″ by 26″ ribbon midrange/tweeter. The loudspeakers were 37″ H by 26″ W by 2″ D (without stands) and weighed 60 pounds apiece.
The Classe/Krell combination was way out of my budget but as I listened, I was struck by how utterly natural sounding these loudspeakers were with acoustic instruments, brass, and the human voice. Rock music was not a strength.
I’m not sure I’ve ever heard a cello sound that realistic before; timbre, presence, decay, and just the energy of the instrument filling the room.
There are vendors who can restore a pair for a significant price and there is the issue of requiring amplifiers that can output 200 to 400 watts (4 ohms) and maintain a really firm grip on the low end.
The 1994 version of the Stage with the Mini-Grand subwoofer cabinet (and DAX crossover) was almost $6,000 USD at the time which doesn’t seem like a lot of money in 2023 for such a full-range system — but you also needed $10,000 USD worth of electronics to make it come alive.
One day. Maybe.

March 22, 2023 at 11:09 am
The first time I bought a pair of speakers that were not part of an all in one system was around 1986 or so. They were Bose 901s Series (I think) VI.
My wife and I listened to music reproduced by them and that was that. I had heard a pair of Series I back in ’73 or so owned by the father of a friend who was one of those “audio nuts”. Those speakers stayed in my mind for over a decade. By the time I bought them “audiophiles” and already morphed like Morlocks into frAudiophiles and loathed any and every thing about Bose. Screw them and their OCD, I liked my 901s and still have them, in their boxes along with the equalizer.
I have not used them for decades and they should probably have their internals restored and should I do so I will pair them with a vintage ’70s Stereo Receiver and one of my Pro-Ject ‘tables.
And Sinatra and Ella.
Thanks, Ian.
Craig Kolk
March 22, 2023 at 12:36 pm
What about the BBC LS35A speakers. I worked at the Mark Levinson factory in the 70’s. We used these speakers to listen to all equipment before it was shipped. I also owned a pair, they were amazing.
Ian White
March 22, 2023 at 1:12 pm
Wonderful speakers and that does explain why I love Spendor so much. As much as I love the LS3/5a speakers, I really dislike the modern versions that are so ridiculously expensive that I would not consider buying any of them. I’ve listened to the Falcon and Graham versions and loved them, but the prices were nuts.
At the end of 2023, we are starting a minor renovation in our home because a parent is probably moving in and my new office over the garage might feature a restored pair of LS3/5a on my desk. More to come on that front.
Ian White
Frank Malitz
March 26, 2023 at 3:51 pm
if you looked at the retail price of the LS 35a in 1976 and converted it to US dollars, I’m sure that the current models would line up pretty well. They sound very good. The remarkable original QUAD electrostatic was 55 pounds in 1957.
Ian White
March 26, 2023 at 3:56 pm
Anyone have a time machine?
55 pounds for the ESLs was the steal of the century.
I’ve listened to multiple pairs of restored ESL 57s and loved every second. Both pairs were around $5,000 USD.
Ian White
Patrick Chan
March 22, 2023 at 1:27 pm
A more price effective substitute for a Krell (or equivalent) driving the Apogee Stage is a a Parasound HCA-1000.
It won’t have the same dynamics and detail but is a solid performer often ~$300 used. John Curl paid a lot of attention to the current output in the power supply.
Ian White
March 22, 2023 at 1:32 pm
We were having a conversation about Parasound the other night and some of their older designs were very popular. The new “ownership” seems to be taking things rather slowly because review samples for the rest of 2023 are not forthcoming.
I hope John Curl sticks around. I really like their amplifiers. The Apogee dealer in Toronto did not have a wide range of electronics to drive them with. Krell, Classe, and Jeff Rowland. I really enjoyed them with the Classe amplifiers and preamp. Oracle turntable at the time with a Krell CD player in the shop.
The reproduction of the cello was unforgettable. I was much younger and it floored me because I had never heard a cello or violin sound like that.
Ian White
March 22, 2023 at 4:19 pm
That’s not a bad list, though quite different from mine. The top 6 most significant loudspeakers on my audiophile journey (meaning speakers i’ve actually heard, not of all time) would be in approximate order –
– Infinity IRS-V. The IRS-V’s to this day are still the best sounding speakers i’ve ever heard. Thundering bass, and ethereal “reach out and touch it” imaging and staging. However they needed some valves in the mix to tame the slightly hot Emits. A well worn path was Threshold SA-1 mono’s with an ARC Reference 1 linestage.
– Marten Coltrane Momento 2 Statement Edition. My friend has a pair. They sound amazing paired with CH 10 series amps.
– Magico M2. Thus far are the best sounding small room speakers i’ve heard
– Marten Coltrane 3
– Magico S5 Mk2 with SPods. I own a pair. They sound better than even the classic Infinity IRS Epsilon. Technology moves on as they say. Very well balanced and musical when paired with the right upstream gear.
– Infinity Renaissance 90. An emotional choice. I owned a pair 15 years ago. For the money they were amazing. Tight deep bass from the Watkins DVC woofers, fine resolution and air from the High Energy Emit and Emit drivers, and overall great staging, imaging and off-axis performance. And their cabinet shape was unique. Though those Watkins woofers ate current like candy!
March 23, 2023 at 2:17 pm
The Spica TC-50. This remains a if not “holy”, then at least “golly” Grail for my big brother. I liked them too.
The Spica along with any of the really BIG models of the SDA. Now those were definitely “Grail Level” for us in the days of our yoot.
Jerry Del Colliano
March 22, 2023 at 4:54 pm
Good list Ian.
Hope you’ve been well.
We did 25 audiophile speakers (list) at my old publication.
We’ve been talking about speakers a lot at my new publication, One thing that I would add to your list which is very heavy on planar and electrostatic speakers is that many of them don’t or can’t work anymore. I tried my butt off to get one of my old editors a pair of MartinLogan CLS. Very very still work. The ones that do are often down by 5 or 6 dB with the electronics all jacked up.
Ian White
March 22, 2023 at 6:07 pm
Nice to hear from you.
I spoke about it with Gayle Sanders and the factory in Toronto will make you new panels at a rather steep cost. You do have to reinstall yourself unless you want to pay ML to do it for you (plus shipping).
I do love the Quads. I own Maggies now and I’ve seen some older pairs in the MG3 series in decent shape for sale online.
As to the VOTTs…there is a guy in PA (about 3 hours from me) who is restoring the A7s and A5s.
Ian White
March 22, 2023 at 5:07 pm
I would probably be very happy with every speaker listed. Of course assuming I had a pair of insane powered monoblocks to let them sing (well the Maggies & Apogees really) . I am a big Martin Logan fan and after owning Koss electrostatic headphones in the early 70’s and hearing Acoustat 2+2’s and huge Beveridges I was ruined for life. It took a couple of decades but I bought a pair of used ML ReQuests, then upgraded to Summits which are in humble opinion still fantastic. When the wife and I sold the house in great market conditions I bought Renaissance 15a’s for my final roundups. I am blessed and lucky to hear my dream speakers in my house. They are fantastic!
Vincent Joseph McHale
March 22, 2023 at 5:39 pm
Had a pair of Rogers LS3/5as. Loved them-played by Dynaco ST 70s set to mono. Also Klipsch LaScalas played by SE 300Bs/2A3s or SE EL84s.Could move some air. Finally Dahlquist DQ 10s. Wish I still had them all but they were all in a huge living room. Much smaller house now, running Ohm Walsh 2s played by an old Magnavox PP EL84.
March 22, 2023 at 7:28 pm
Just read your piece while listening to my Spendor 2/3s bought on the basis of your review of years ago. Can’t remember the publication. Took a while to find what I consider the right amplification for them (lots of good quality solid state watts) but for classical they are wonderful speakers. Thanks!
Stewart K.
March 22, 2023 at 9:56 pm
I guess I’m thinking speakers that many people heard and liked well enough to go further into the hobby. Significant from the standpoint of sales or imitation. From that perspective I would include (in no particular order):
– Radio Shack Minimus 7. How many of these are still floating around sounding decent well beyond their years? How many other shoebox speakers did manufacturers produce to compete with (or better) these?
– Ohm Walsh F. They weren’t ubiquitous but they made their mark as single driver speakers for people who had the space and money.
– Acoustic Research AR models of the 50s and 60s. Acoustic suspension makes its mark.
– Pioneer SP-BS22-LR. Okay, a little recency bias here but the availability and quality of these speakers kicked off a little gold rush in inexpensive but very good sounding speakers.
– JBL 4310/L-100. Seen and heard in thousands of rooms and installations and still popular for exemplifying the West Coast Sound.
Ian White
March 22, 2023 at 11:31 pm
Definitely Enjoy The Music. Glad you love them.
Ian White
Ian White
March 23, 2023 at 12:41 am
All good picks.
I’ve heard hundreds of loudspeakers over the years, but the ones I picked really influenced me in a significant way.
They made me want to become an audiophile or do what I’m doing now.
Ian White
Gary Hinks
March 23, 2023 at 1:10 am
Nice to see you included the Quad ESLs. I have had the 63s for 30 years now and still do not desire any other speaker. The only negative is having to often replace failing elements in their old age.
At normal listening levels it still is one of the most natural sounding speakers ever made. Thank you Mr. Walker
Chris Boylan
March 23, 2023 at 2:15 am
First “audiophile” speakers that got me into the hobby: BES (Bertagni Electroacoustic Systems). Forget the model number but these were “flat panels” where the panel was actually made of styrofoam(!). Not much bass to speak of but I dug the huge soundstage and that flat panel sound. The styrofoam panels were wrapped in cloth and attached to a solid wood base, so they didn’t look as cheap as you might imagine.
I lusted after the Infinity Kappa 9s as a teenager but never owned a pair. For me, the evolution was to Dahlquist DQ20s, then to Martin Logan Aerius flat panels, which are still in use 20+ years later. I still have a penchant for electrostats and folded motion drivers (e.g., the original ESS Heil Air Motion Transformer speakers). The patent on those expired some time ago so you can find folded motion drivers on a number of great-sounding speakers today (Golden Ear Technology, MartinLogan and Emotiva, to name a few).
March 23, 2023 at 3:27 pm
Great list, I had a few in common with you on my journey, notably the Meadowlarks. I would add the Gallo Nucleus Solo to the list of speakers that changed my life. They are SO good, especially when driven by the early Nelson Pass Aleph series.
March 23, 2023 at 5:06 pm
No Klipschorn cornerhorns? That’s a fail
Ian White
March 23, 2023 at 6:33 pm
In the context of my own personal audio journey, I never liked them.
But that’s why the article is open-ended. I wanted to know what moved the needle for everyone.
Ian White
March 24, 2023 at 1:03 am
Well Ian, most likely you never heard them set up COMPLETELY proper. It takes a lot, not just corners. Some would say why go through all the trouble when speaker X sounds fine right there! Ever in Pittsburgh, look me up. I have an all cork walled room custom built for them. 3 grounding rods, custom balanced subpanel, sine wave regeneration on all circuts. All Western Electric 300B preamp and amp, red base RCA driver tubes, world class reel to reel and vinyl rig… you name it, it’s here. I promise you never heard music like this my friend. There is a reason they are the longest running speaker in history and Paul Klipsch is in the Science Hall of Fame with the likes of Edison and The Wright Bros. I will change your mind about the Klipschorns 😀
March 23, 2023 at 5:23 pm
Bozac Concert Grands
JBL Ranger Paragon
Original Large Advent
Infinity Servo Static
BBC LS3/5a
Celestion SL600
Magneplanar MMG / 1.5 / 3.5
Ian White
March 23, 2023 at 6:34 pm
I like a lot of these as well. Especially the Maggies, Celestion, QuAD, AND LS3/5a.
Great list.
Ian White
Thomas G Moon
March 26, 2023 at 10:07 pm
RL1856 compiled a good list for aficionados who are too young to have experienced them. I would add a couple more: the original Polk Monitor 10s and the AR-LSTs. The Polks offered, in my opionion, the most natural sound I’d heard to that time, and the LST’s were over the top – nine drivers across three panels and were amazing with top-notch electronics and sources.
Neil Dickey
March 23, 2023 at 6:38 pm
Just prior to moving from Toronto to Alberta in 1982, I made one last trip down to Ring Audio. Here they had just got in a pair of AudioStatic ES240’s.
They shipped them to Calgary and met me there. These are still in constant use, having been paired with an Odyssey Khartago, purpose built for these speakers. They have never sounded better.
Ian White
March 23, 2023 at 6:39 pm
We’re in agreement in two areas. Loudspeakers and destination.
Ian White (who moved from Toronto to NJ)
Henrik Uherkovich
March 23, 2023 at 10:13 pm
Nice list indeed.
My speaker-history is limited to 4 pairs:
Audioplan Kontrast (a marvelously built beauty, but sonically the least interesting on the list)
ProAc Response (great dynamics from a small speaker)
Magnepan III (no dynamics, but perhaps the best sounding speaker for solo violin I’ve heard so far)
Altec Lansing, VOTT 19 horns, drivers & crossover in custom built case (my absolute favorite, very dynamic, detailed, great at basically any volume, however can get very squeeky with solo violin (due to the horn emphasizing high frequencies))
The Magnepan and Altecs were/are powered by Cary Audio SLM-100 monoblocks.
Adam Nocon
March 24, 2023 at 4:04 am
Great list, did any one heard The Duntech Sovereign? Personally I own ESL-63 (not restored yet) powered by Luxman L-550AX class A. In conjunction with REL 212/SE Sub-Bass System shake my rather small room to the sky. I heard in the past Martin Logan CLS with Mark Levinson electronics and Velodyne subwoofers, really deserve the list. I was lucky to get Oppo UDP-205 from the last dispatch and Yamaha NP-S2000 Network Player/DAC, weight 26.5 lb before discontinued.
Adam N
Ian White
March 24, 2023 at 1:06 pm
I heard those so long ago. Massive speakers if memory serves me correctly. John Dunlavy? I’m pretty sure I met him at CES once.
Ian White
March 24, 2023 at 6:35 pm
1993, USAF Base/Post Exchange, a pair of Infinty SM105. Shook the barracks. Then, discovered a hifi shop in center of San Anton. TX. There, Tannoys sounded as if an actual herd o cattle was INSIDE the hifi shop. Later, different shop, dark as heck in there, midday. Door opens, in the darkness o the store glowed a WALL of McIntosh. Been hooked since.
Marc Silver
March 26, 2023 at 6:36 am
Looking at the title and then the main photo, I was expecting to be very disappointed in your list, until I read your article. It is surprisingly close to one I published a few years ago on Dagogo.
Speakers are by nature a matter of personal taste. It doesn’t happen often with other reviewers, but I like your choices.
March 26, 2023 at 9:06 am
Almost being in my mid 50s I should know what sound I like, but even as a young man I knew what I wanted. I had all 4 pieces of Yamaha series 2000 with a pair of Energy Veritas 1.8 in mahogany. What a combo! I lost that system in a divorce because of pride a the time. Knowing what I know now, I would have tried harder to work it out with the Mrs., and I’d probably still be listening to those speakers. I loved them, and she knew it.
Don Montgomery
March 26, 2023 at 12:02 pm
Mirage M3-si and / or Mirage M1’s : )
john j kalinowski
March 27, 2023 at 5:10 pm
The Shearer horn should be on this list not the VOTT.
Ian White
March 27, 2023 at 6:39 pm
To make the list, it had to be a loudspeaker that I’ve actually listened to or owned. There dozens of loudspeakers that could have made the list, but these were the ones that influenced myself the most.
Ian White