All good things must sadly come to an end. In the case of the Zu Omen Dirty Weekend, the end came far too soon but as Zu’s Sean Casey explains — supply chain issues and zero profitability put the final nails in this incredible loudspeaker offering.
The Zu Omen are a fantastic pair of high-sensitivity loudspeakers but they were also never that inexpensive. Zu saw the demand for the speaker grow and offered a stripped down version; the Zu Omen Dirty Weekend at a fantastic price.
Zu sent out an email this afternoon to customers to announce the end of the Dirty Weekend sale.

The end of the product is definitely a negative but we’re excited to learn that a new entry-level loudspeaker from Zu Audio under $2,000 per pair is coming in Q1 or Q2 2022.
Communication. It takes a lot of balls for a company to admit when they’re having issues and my respect for Zu Audio could not be higher as we end Q4 2021.
I’ve covered Zu going back almost a decade when I was writing about high-end audio for Digital Trends and my opinion about their loudspeakers has never wavered.
Sean Casey and his crew in Utah make really great speakers and it’s great to see an American brand prosper even during really bleak economic downturns.
For more information: Zu Audio

Mike Cornell
December 9, 2021 at 2:49 pm
I finally got a chance to hear them at the Toronto Audiofest (pre-covid) and liked what I heard. I always wanted to try them but now am looking forward to see what they can do sub-$2000. (though that’ll likely be about $3000CAD, maybe more with shipping/duty etc.)
Ian White
December 9, 2021 at 6:00 pm
I’ve always been a big fan of their speakers and I came within a “click” of ordering these during the summer. A change in college tuition ended that dream.
I’ve very curious to see what they come up with below $2,000 because I have the Decware coming in 2022 and I want a high-sensitive speaker to use with them.
Single-driver speakers are definitely in my future for the dining room.
Ian White
December 18, 2021 at 6:33 pm
Oh, OK. Just responded to your Oct article only to find this one. I’m open, and will probably purchase a pair of the new design, even with a higher price. Funny that I never got that email.